nak expect benda pelik berlaku? of course tiada sebab aku anggap birthday atau tarikh kelahiran itu hanya sebagai biasa2. tiada benda nak dihebohkan kecuali sebagai tanda kesyukuran sebab masih hidup selama dua dekad setengah. percaya atau tidak. pada 3 MARCH 2020, aku dah genap 25 tahun.

cuma yang ke 25 tahun nie agak special bagi aku sebab dah di pertengahan dua puluhan. kononnya rasa matang, tapi aku rasa biasa2 je. minda masih terasa nak jadi budak2 tapi kita kena sedar diri kita, kau dan aku dah cukup umur matang. kalau tak matang lagi taktau la. hahahhahhaa
assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera!
di umur yang dah genap 25 tahun ini, aku sangat bersyukur kepada mak dan arwah bapak yang melahirkan dan mendidik aku sampai tahap aku boleh tahu baik buruk. alhamdulillah.
cita-cita ketika muda remaja dan ketika kanak2 hingusan bila mencapai umur 25 tahun.
- dapat kerja best
- balas jasa ibubapa
- kahwin
- kerja biasa je. tak puas lagi dengan kerja sekarang
- sempat balas jasa mak je dengan bagi duit tiap bulan. al-fatihah to arwah bapak
- still single tapi bahagia je LOL
macam biasa, banyak benda yang aku nak capai masih belum tercapai. mungkin belum rezeki dan masanya. takpa, kita ikut pace sendiri.

early birthday celebration with cousins. sunday 1 march.

hadiah birthday from my mom. crochet kaonashi! i love it so much!!

hadiah phone casing untuk diri sendiri. bila teringin nak beli phone baru, rasa macam tak berbaloi sebab phone sekarang elok lagi, so kita beli casing baru. atleast ada la rasa baru sikit. hahahha.
kekadang rasa nak jadi budak2 balik bila tengok dunia orang dewasa nie. komitmen dan tanggungjawab di mana2. bila ada akal fikiran, banyak benda kena fikir. overthinking pun satu hal jugak. best jadi kanak2 yang tak fikir apa2. apa2pun alhamdulillah masih berakal!
kekadang rasa nak jadi budak2 balik bila tengok dunia orang dewasa nie. komitmen dan tanggungjawab di mana2. bila ada akal fikiran, banyak benda kena fikir. overthinking pun satu hal jugak. best jadi kanak2 yang tak fikir apa2. apa2pun alhamdulillah masih berakal!
aku malas nak cerita pasal virus. maybe next post kot.
siapa sangka March 2020 jadi sangat memorable bagi seluruh manusia didunia.
al-fatihah. terima kasih kepada frontliner yang sentiasa berjuang.
birthday korang pulak bila? umur pulak dah berapa? we are still young but stay safe ok!
thanks sudi baca!
ilal liqa'
Happy Belated Birthday, BV!
ReplyDeletethanksss :D
Deletehappy birthday babe!
ReplyDeletethankss :D
DeleteHappy birthday! Casing tu semua lawa-lawa!
ReplyDeletethankss! kann, best sebab semua lawa dan murah :D
Deletei dah tua.. malu nak share.. hahahhaha
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday. Semoga panjang umur & dimurahkan rezeki. Stay safe :)
don't worry asal jiwa masih muda heheheh
Deletethanks! aminn~ stay safe too :D
happy birthday bv! kita pun geng march hihi
ReplyDeleteyayy geng march! thankssss ya :D
DeleteSama lah, never expect anything during my birthday since dah besar ni huhu.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday BV!
kann, just bersyukur sebab masih sihat :)
Deletethanksss! :D
mcm temerity pula gmba tu ada blurr haha
ReplyDeleteehh temerity lainn XD
Deletehappy belated 25th birthday, BV! :) x
ReplyDeletethanks a lot :D
DeleteHappy belated birthday BV, sweet 25!
ReplyDeleteI love to keep my celebration simple like this heeee.
My birthday would be in October <3
thanksss a lot :D yeah simple is better :D
Deletealmost at the end of the year! wish you all the best in october :)
Happy belated birthday! May Allah bless you 😘
ReplyDeletethanks a lot! aminnn :D you too :*
Deletewe're a year apart but shares the same birthday and I feel you.
ReplyDeletewahhh it is fun to know someone with the same birthday date! :D
Deletehappy belated birthday bv! that kaonashi crochet is so cool and kewt🥺 may allah bless you always x
ReplyDeletethanksss a lot :D my mom made it!! XD you too <3
DeleteHappy Belated Birthday to you. Sorry for the late wish.
ReplyDeleteThat is one delicious looking cake.
Oh, and your mom knows how to do crocheting? Bestnya!
Susah nak jumpa orang Malaysia yang buat crochet sebab nak cari crochet airpods & airpods pro case. Lucky you..
thanksss a lot, it is never too late for the birthday wish XD
Deletelove the cake, yeah my mom selling some of her works too :D
actually banyak kat fb group crochet nie, my mom banyak belajar pasal crochet kat group fb :3 alhamdulillah :)
Really? if your mom knows how to make or open order for airpods case, do let me know.
DeleteBanyak yang Tqa tau dekat US dgn Korea so shipping agak ridiculous. And maybe I'll check out the FB Group as well :)
Thanks for the info
i will try to ask my mom. sebab my mom selalunya buat crochet based on tutorial on youtube and fb :D
Deleteyeahh, harga mampu milik tapi shipping memang mahal kannn. check jugak fb sebab banyak group crochet, tapi some kena bayar bila nak join hahahhaha
That looked fun! I'm sure you had a blast! and hope you continue enjoying your life as it is hihi thanks for your comment on my post earlier this day, I got to discover such a nice blog like yours! followed right away hihi ^__________^ and oh, I am younger by 3 years, sunbaenim *wink wink*