i'll start to post pictures with less words on every wednesday *i hope so*

do you understand what i'm trying to say here? (with a lil bit sarawakian malay)

5.07 am duhh.

i don't care eh eh eh.
instagram's stories of someone, sometime 'speaks a louder words' than his/her status on another socmed. yaknowwhatimean? justsayin'
you might found another side of me. HAHAHAHHAHA *evil laugh*
done follow?
now give me your instagram link, i will follow you too. (and silently stalk you)
see ya when i see ya lah~
saya selalu buat ig story utk gambar2 yg merapu je xD sbb nk jaga feed ig, hhahah!
ReplyDeletehahahhaa sama la kita!
DeleteBV pun update ig story ngan benda merapu je XD
nak jaga feed jugak :3
Hihi. Siqah suka tengok instastories daripada feed. Aci tak camtu? Hihi. Suka tengok orang update kisah hidup mereka. Walaupun kadang2 terkejut dengan bunyi2 yang ada :D
ReplyDeleteSiqah dah follow IG BV. Hii. Both dah follow menfollow lah :) IG @haqisfila :)
sama jugak. sebab senang lagi tengok instastories rasanya :D
Deletebetul tu, kekadang terkejut jugak dengar bunyi kalau lupa kecikkan volume.
thankss sudi follow, dah follow jugak. wehehe :)
Dah follow dah
ReplyDeleteMy ig : mijablur
thanks! :D
Deletedah follow dah jugak :)
Hahahaha ada quote baru eh dari BV. Kalau bahasa melayu sarawak macam tu senang ja nak faham sebab basic. Tok - ni, jak - je, sik - tak. Hehehee
ReplyDeletehahahah quote sesaja memain XD
Deletekannn, memang senang je nak faham sebab banyak perkataan hampir sama je dengan bm biasa :)
Hahaha cendol erh. Sedapnya! Apeniiii sushi pulakkk... Haiihhh bv kalau tak post makanan minuman tak sah kan. 😂😘
ReplyDeletehahhahaha kannn, suka betul upload gambar makanan dan minuman :D
Deleterasa cendol tu entah2 BV je yg rasa kot XD craving lak T^T
Dah lama follow BV. Hihihi.
ReplyDeleteActually tak tahu function story insta ni, bedal je post merepek2. Hahaha
thanks sudi follow BV :D
Deletememang utk post benda merepek je kalau bagi BV sebab akan hilang dalam masa 24 jam XD
Nadia pun dah follow BV di ig . =)
ReplyDeleteSuka jugak nadia tgk instastory.
My ig : @nadiaizzaty.nia
dah follow memollow jugak kan. :D
Deletekannnn, suka jugak tengok instastory orang lain, sebab macam2 cerita XD
kat ig ni byk gmbr mknn je, asal bukak je mesti gmbr mknn hahaa. kene lak time lapar. memang naya habis
ReplyDeletehahhahaha betul tu, kat ig memang banyak yg suka post gambar makanan termasuk la BV. hehhehe :D
Deletetpi ig stories 24 H je.. tkda nak buat kenangan sikit. hahaha. tpi suka stalk diri sendiri. hehe
ReplyDeletebetul tu, sebab 24h tu la rasanya banyak yg suka post benda merepek kat situ. :D
Deletesama je kita, suka stalk diri sendiri. hahahhahah XD
baiklah nanti saya follow
ReplyDeletethanksss heheh :D
Deletehahahha entah2 BV sendiri je yg rasa macam tu,
ReplyDeleteboleh la cuba lepas nie cik Epal :D
Maybe someday you could do a tutorial on how you edit your media content. It must be interesting 'cus i like your media in this blog.
ReplyDeletethanks! inshALLAH i will do a post about this :D
DeleteI prefer to watch stories too instead of normal feed...
ReplyDeleteP/s: belum follow bv lagi but will be following you when I'm on the phone.. haha
sama jugak sebab senang lagi tengok stories kan. :D
Deletethanks! done follow u back. hehehe <3
kalau aku buat ig story pun :')) suka lukis kartun..