i've been sooooooo laaaayyyyzzzeehhh lately. but not busy (sarcastically) and hella bored to the death. i keep visiting my blog and others, but rarely leave any comments because yeah, my eyes do read but my mind blank and it is not my style to leave a comment unrelated to the posts. so i will come back later to blogwalk.
but first, lemme tell you something,
i love sheet masks, OMG who doesn't love it? TELL ME? and why?

what is sheet masks?
a mask that in sheet-like. LOL obviously duhh.
it is a face-shaped mask which sheet soaked in liquid like serum of nutrients for skins.
how to use sheet masks?
put it on your CLEAN face lah. and wait for 15 to 20 minutes for the nutrients to absorb to the skin then removes the masks. don't bother to wash unless it is in the 'how-to-use'. well, sheet masks are so much different from clay masks (i'll write about clay masks in another blogpost)
how often can you use sheet masks?
it is recommended to use twice per week. but hydrating sheet masks also can be use everyday depend on the nutrients (like hyaluronic acids, vitamins, aloe) needed for your skins.

i use sheet masks mainly because i need to hydrate and moisturise my skin and to relax after facing a stressful day. i usually use it twice a week or twice a month. hahahhaha, i just bought some cheap sheet masks and most of them works for hydrating and moisturising my acne prone skin. at some point i really love sheet masks because it doesn't irritates my skins.
please don't sleep with your sheet masks. why? you tell me. :3
because it is not a sleeping mask. unless it state so.
how often you use your sheet masks?
what type/brand of sheet masks are your favourite? (mine is innisfree)
see ya when i see ya lah.
ilal liqa' (till we 'meet' again)
I rarely wear sheet mask, but I would love to wear it when I wanted to. Hehe. How much is that sheet mask? The one that you're wearing :)
me too :
Deletemostly the prices are between rm2 - rm3 :D
i do love sheet mask very muchhh.will used it 5 times per week fav from naruko.
ReplyDeletewhoaa, u almost use it everyday :D
Deletei wanna try some sheet mask from naruko bcs it seems so exclusive especially the packaging :D
Omg, awat comel sangat packaging dia.
ReplyDeletekannn, comel sangat packaging kekadang syg rasa nak koyak. hahahah :D
Deletelenne pun suka sheet mask! I mask probably 5 times in a week haha. mask yg lenne suka pakai bila nak kecutkan pimple is by garnier and kalau nak hydrating and whatnot lenne usually pakai from watsons, guardian and sasa :)
ReplyDeleteLenne Zulkiflly Blog
Best kan juga sheet mask. Tp sy jrg beli bnda tu😪
ReplyDeleteI don't have any specific favourite at the moment. It's been a while since the last time I'm wearing a mask. I should use one as soon as possible 😊
ReplyDeleteI love wearing sheet masks but somehow I'm too busy to pamper myself nowadays.. Q_Q
ReplyDeleteSuka jugak sheetmask. Tapi, pakai macam setahun sekali je. Haha jarang sangaaat. Huhu
ReplyDeletedah lama tak pakai mask...huhuhuhu..nampak tak tak jaga muka..^_^!
ReplyDeleteOkay tak pernah guna benda ni hahaha.
ReplyDeleteBut I would definitely buy it because of the packaging. It's cuteeee.
Kalau beli mask, sebab packaging comel. Hihi. Siqah jarang pakai mask. Malas dan lupa nanye. Hii. Nak kena pakai jugaklah ni, 2 kali seminggu ye :)
ReplyDeletesaya jarang pakai mask :( tak pernah beli mask banyak2 pastu pakai setiap minggu. kalau ada mask pun dpt free gift punya je, huhu
ReplyDeletetak pernah guna, pernah juga tapi belas2 tahun lepas. huhu
ReplyDeleteI don't have a specific favourite brand of sheet masks, but I do loveee buying them randomly even I rarely wear masks (boleh tak macam tuuu). Memang hobi suka beli masks pastu dah macam kumpul setem pulak. Hahaha... But still, I'm very particular about the ingredients and its functions. Extraaaa loveeee for a sheet mask that fits my face perfectly! I mean like takde lebih-lebih ke tepi sampai boleh cover telinga, hidung senget-senget, mata kecik sangat lari-lari sampai nak bukak mata pun susah. Sebabnya, kite suka pakai mask bila nak relax sambil-sambil dengar lagu, baca buku.
ReplyDeletewhere did you buy your mask? Most of my sheet mask are from watsons and guardian, but it is so hard to get the cheap one especially between rm2 @ 3
ReplyDeletesuka sheet masks ni tapi sangat 2 jarang memakainya. but actually mmg bagus kan utk kulit :)
ReplyDeleteBiasa guna sheet mask brand watson je sbb rasa dah habis murah dari brand lain hahaha
ReplyDeletei rarely buy sheet mask. coz i afaraid i will buy a lot of it coz sometimes the packaging is so cute! hahaaha
ReplyDeleteNadia adalah seorang pemalas . If beli kalau tgk packaging comel je . Then tak pakai. My sister yang rajin beli and pakai . Hihi
ReplyDeletepakai sebulan sekali jee,,huhu sbb syg,,dulu guna innisfree,skrg thefaceshop,,tp lagi suka yg innisfree sebenarnya !
ReplyDeleteSy tak penah guna apa2 mask pun haha bbtu kulit cam x berapa sihat :P