whoaaa i been tagged by RASYA. i really love this kind of tag. hahahhaa. thanks for tagging, atleast i got something to write on my blog. :3
let's get started. sunshine blogger award!

1. Thank the person(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog
2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or on your blog
1. If you’re an electronic appliance, what’ll you be? (No kidding, this is one of Japan’s job hunting interview questions)
SMARTPHONE. cause it is smart. and can do everything (not really everything). smartphone nowadays really can do almost everything. who knows in future, from just a smartphone we can make a better world. everything about japan is so unique.
2. The last book you read.
ostrolia aku datang.
this book is good. i'm excited to turn every pages. most of time, i love how the writer make me feel like i'm reading her blog/journal and life story. and this is how i want to make my readers feels while reading my blog except i don't have a interesting story to tell and i'm not a good writer *cries in the corner*
3. But wait, do you read? 😎
yeahhhh i do read 😎. i miss reading at the library. i wanna go to library soooo bad. but i'm bad with direction and i hate (read it as lazy) to park the car and looking for parking space. *cries again in the corner*
4. If so, what’re your favourite authors?
for now, TUNKU HALIM, because he wrote a really good horror stories. some of the stories really get me into the 'scenes'. i don't know much about him. but he is a really good writers for thriller, horrors and such genre and he quite a famous author too.
5. Recommend me a book.
*not yet finish reading because too scary to read it alone and it been for few month already meh* (just accept the reality, that i am to lazy too read it) HAHAHHAHA
6. What do you visualise yourself as in the future?
hired with the job that really suit me in everything. happy.
7. The biggest decision that you regret making.
nothing in making decision. but there something i regret. i do regret about my high school life. i wish i know more about future careers(because in high school, i don't really have a 'right' ambition and i don't really know where i should be. i'm just following the flow), i wish i am more talkative and such. but everything happens for reasons right? that is how i persuade myself to face the reality.
*so adik2 who are still in schools (high school), please think more about your future, so you don't have any regret and appreciate your school's life because all these kakak2/abang2 miss school's life so bad and really want to turn back the times to be a high school student again. wehehehe
8. Why do you blog?
for fun. i tend to be secretive with friends and family, so in blog i could share something to strangers. hahahhaha. someone asked me before, why i like to share my life story to strangers? WHY and WHY? because i can lah. i hope i'll never share something TOO PERSONAL. i definitely create a boundary in almost everything in my life. plus, i do know some of my families (relative), close friends secretly reading my blog. hahahhaha. yeah i knew it. but please just don't tell me about what you're reading. XD
9. The meaning behind your blog URL and name.
no meaning. T^T childish meaning. basically this blog URL and name exist because of lack of idea and deep curiosity about blog. i create my blog without thinking wisely about URL, what to write/share and such things. then bammmm, here i am.
10. Recommend me a blog that you always read.
in my bloglist. i always read blogs in my bloglist. and i RARELY read from 'reading list' in blogger dashboard. i'm literally jumping from blog to blog from other blogger's bloglist. do mention me 'everywhere if you wanna join my bloglist, but please be sure you put mine link first. (hehhehe)
11. Is blogging fun?
yeahhhhhhhh. never had a thought that blogging will be THIS fun. i got so many benefits from blogging. tbh, blogging has widen my perspective about world, about peoples.
I'M tagging these awesome bloggers -
eiz, wanaseoby, afifah, tashira, leo, amerjaya, zizie, tomodachi, (i don't know who else to tag because mostly had been tagged by other bloggers, please tell me if you want to be tag by ME! i will put your name here, hehehe)
1. when do you start to know my blog? :3
2. what is your animal spirit and why?
3. pick an item at your right side and that gonna be your weapon in zombie apocalypse, what is it and how you gonna use it?
4. if you were in a home and there a zombie attack outside, where the safest place to hide and why?
5. give 3 reasons why do love blogging? do you love blogging?
6. backpack or sling bag?
7. i love music. so do recommend me some of your favourite music genre and songs.
8. pizza or burger?
9. what do you think about girls/boys who is wearing a spectacles?
10. plain shirt or checkered shirt?
11. some words for your silent readers?
done. here a 🍉 for you. :3
see ya when i see ya lah.
eiz, wanaseoby, afifah, tashira, leo, amerjaya, zizie, tomodachi, (i don't know who else to tag because mostly had been tagged by other bloggers, please tell me if you want to be tag by ME! i will put your name here, hehehe)

1. when do you start to know my blog? :3
2. what is your animal spirit and why?
3. pick an item at your right side and that gonna be your weapon in zombie apocalypse, what is it and how you gonna use it?
4. if you were in a home and there a zombie attack outside, where the safest place to hide and why?
5. give 3 reasons why do love blogging? do you love blogging?
6. backpack or sling bag?
7. i love music. so do recommend me some of your favourite music genre and songs.
8. pizza or burger?
9. what do you think about girls/boys who is wearing a spectacles?
10. plain shirt or checkered shirt?
11. some words for your silent readers?
done. here a 🍉 for you. :3
see ya when i see ya lah.
Tq sbb tag saya. In shaa allah sy akan buat post psl ni. Tp sy x mmpu nk taip dlm bi semua 😂😂😂😂😂😂 blh x sy campur campur bi dan bm? 😂😂😂.
ReplyDeleteu welcome. :) blh je tomo, ikut suka je bahasa apa asal BV faham. heheheh, buat tau nanti :D
Deletethank you for doing the tag xD
ReplyDeleteyour no1 answer is same with mine. A smartphone.
I have horror stories by tunku halim in my house but because I am a scaredy cat I never read it lol
you welcome. hehehe:D
Deleteyeahhh same, there a lot of thing smartphone can do.
hahahah you should read it, interesting and some of the stories dont even scary (for me lah) hahahhaa
I do agree with you. Even though we write about our personal life in blog but I believe there's a boundary to everything that we write. I don't want to be a smart phone because it's smart but too fragile. It can be broken anytime if you lost your grip. haha.
ReplyDeleteyeahhh. i basically hold to a quote 'you're what you write' when writing :D
Deletehahahahha some smartphone are fragile, but not mine. it been dropped from my hands few times already XD
I loe your answer of being a smartphone.. Don't even think of it before.. xD
ReplyDelete2 questions of zombie and I cracked up.. hahahaha... You're soo creative, BV!
hahahha yeah that's the final answer for the question :D
Deletei love watching zombie related movies and thanks! :3
samalah kita masa buat url blog tu xpikir panjang T.T
ReplyDeletekann, sebab tiba2 teringin nak buat blog, letak sukati je nama dia. hahaha :D
DeleteI love blogwalking around with your bloglist, BV :D hehe
hahahhaa i love blogwalking with mine too. XD
DeleteBV, thanks for tagging me. Next enrty maybe jawab soalan. Im done for today. Internetnya ya ampunnnnn.
ReplyDeleteBetul tu, rasa macam menyesal juga follow the flow ni. haha. KALAU la masa dapat diundurkan kembali. Sob sobs.
yeahhh, thanks sudi jawab ya :D
Deletekannn, maybe ada hikmah semua nie terjadi. cewahhh :)
xpernah baca tulisan tunku halim. tok dah ada bb1m tok, mok try juak beli bukunya.
ReplyDeleteyeah! me too blog for fun! that's why my blog macam chipsmore! huhuhuhuh
beli jak sebab seram sikit buku ya, mun siksalah dah ada buku keduak pasal horror stories tk. :D
Deletekannn, kmk mun rajin jak baruk update XD
I also try to not expose too many things in the blog. Haha insekio gituu~
ReplyDeleteP/s: Saya letak blog BV kat dlm bloglist~ *tutup muka, sambil kaki kuis2 tanah*
kannn, insekio jugak nie T^T
Deletethanks sudi letak :D BV pun dah letak blog ana jugak :)
waaa the reason Fara buat blog pun sbb tu oho~ tp da pecah 2 blog dah..satu lg mmg personal blog :3 Stranger can read it ofcoz. ada kat blogger profile kalo mau jengok lewl.. Ulat buku gak ya ^^
ReplyDeletewahhh banyak jugak blog fara :D dah tengok. hewhew XD
Deletememang ulat buku, tapi takla hardcore sangat :3
apa yang kita tulis kita harus dipertanggungjawabkan, ha gitu
ReplyDeletebetul tu, we are what we write :)
Deletenice. tahniah BV
ReplyDeletethanksss. :D hhehe
Deletekmk pun rasa nyesal juak time sekolah menengah dolok hahaha tapi nasi dah jadi bubur nak kak hahaha . thank you sbb tag :) kelak mun rajin kmk molah nya hahaha >.<
ReplyDeletekannn, yalatek dah jadk bubur dah. T^T please do. hahahhaa sila rajinkan dirik :3
DeleteHorror Stories byunku Halim I pun baca tak habis..
ReplyDeletesamalah. takut nak baca sorang2 dan malas pun kekadang sebab bahasa english :D
Deleteuish.. nama iolss ada.. hehehe... insyaAllah akan dibalas ;)
ReplyDeleteada2. hehehehe harap balas dan jawab la ye. hehehe :D
Deleteyeahhhh! blog la paling best antara smua media sosial lain kan BV.. hehe
ReplyDeletekannn. sebab banyak benda boleh tulis kat blog :)
DeleteKann sampai tak tahu nak tag siapa. Sebab semua dah kena tag xD
ReplyDeletehahahha sama la, nak tag blogger yg sama kesian pulak XD
DeleteSuka nama blog awak. Comel jer=)
ReplyDeleteweee thanksss :D
Deletegood luck dear :)
ReplyDeleteLama dah tak berchallenge challange gini BV. Kita kasi chance org org muda jerlah ek hihi
ReplyDeleteMenarik jugak jadi smartphone. Bijak, dan akan dijaga sebaik mungkin. Hihi. Tapi susah jugak sebab rapuh. Sekali jatuh, habislah. Walaupun bukan semua smartphone begitu. Hihi
ReplyDeleteWe have the same opinion on no 8! Hehe. What I say in blog, please stay in blog only :) I feel easy to share my feelings to stranger daripada orang terdekat. Cuma masih put boundaries on that. Tidaklah semua benda cerita kan :)
baru siap.. hihi.. sorry for manglish ;)