hello virtual friends of mine. hope it is not to late to wish xong xi fa cai! *baling2 buah limau mandarin* this is why i love being malaysian. so many 'raya' to celebrate.:D
this post gonna be a conclusion for my first month of the year 2017. january.
addicted to read manga(s)
hello virtual friends of mine. hope it is not to late to wish xong xi fa cai! *baling2 buah limau mandarin* this is why i love being malaysian. so many 'raya' to celebrate.:D
this post gonna be a conclusion for my first month of the year 2017. january.

the best thing happen in january of course the winner announcement of traveloka contest. i keep thinking about the travel thingy. where should i go? who is gonna be my travel partners? are the budget enough? and all little things that related to travel. and can't deny that i'm always excited to think about this. i did some sketch in my journal, googled anything related and more. (lol, been posting about this recently. booooring)
addicted to read manga(s)
i'm start to read manga via online through an app in phone. yeah, i do read manga before, but i can't really focus especially when reading on my phone. but, due to some interesting manga that need my full attention because of small letters and the story plot really amazed me, i tend to love reading manga on my phone. i can't wait to read another chapters. chapter after chapter, volume after volume, i've became addicted to read. hahahaha.
i can only read manga online. because the physical manga are expensive and i hardly found any english-translated manga in most of bookstores. of course, if i've some money and found any manga that i read via online before, i will grab that manga to show some support to the mangaka. well, physical books does feel different from digital.
i really into slice of life genre. relaxing and heart-warming thingy are really my thing. oso into mystery and psychological genre since it make my brain works more than usual.
foods photos x throwback
i love to take photos. especially things that around me. i don't really like to selfie because of the insecurities. hahahha. i really love to take photos of foods.
sometimes, when scrolling around my phone gallery in the midnight. come across some foods photos, drooling while remember the taste of foods really make me wonder, why i took this photos at the first place, what actually i did that day? and more. it is like a memories of my life through a photos of foods. HAHHAHAHA. nonsense. but thats really happen to me. so i wonder, is this kind of thing happen to you too? or it is just me? am i a weirdo then?

the taste of this mee goreng mamak reallyyyy good. it is not just like mee goreng with soy sauce (kicap). it is more than that. cewahhh.
kdrama GOBLIN and runningman
done watching goblin. although i not watching the last two episodes thoroughly yet. because i don't really want to finish watching it and maybe i should take my time to move on. hahahhaha.
runningman. gladly heard that they will keep the show going.
anime(s) | some of my favourite anime does have season 2 ongoing. yeahhh.

my purse. 80% papers and resits, 10% cards and 10% money. hahhahaha.
hmm. nothing much happened to my life in january.
but so many things happened around me.
hopefully, february gonna be a month full of positivity
so, how your january? any interesting event happen?
got angpao or not? hahahhaa
I used to read manga online too before I just felt unsatisfied with the online apps.. I really need the hardcopy of it for satisfaction.. Q_Q
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy when I know runningman would not stop airing.. xD
yes, i really want the hardcopy, but too hard to find one here in my place. T^T
Deleteim happy too. runningman is totally a show that can make me happy :D
I used to loove reading manga I even have quite a collections. I've stopped reading them the moment I started my degree, but still love reading comics such as lawak campus.
ReplyDeleteI love taking photos of food but idk why I won't post such photos in my social medias lol
High five as we have the same contents in our purse XD
wahhhh i really want to have manga collections :D
Deleteim also love reading comics and have some collection of comics especially from lawak kampus and more. :)
hahhaha, that a good thing though, preventing peoples from drooling bcz of a foods photos :3 yeah, high five girl! :D
ahhh got no angpao this year T.T btw sedap la pulak gambar mee goreng mamak tu ya Allah hancus diet kalau macam ni haha!
ReplyDeleteim also got no angpao. #noangpaogang :D
Deletesedap la. mee goreng mamak fav tu. kalau diet, boleh je cheat sekali sekala kan. wahahha. #BVpenghasut XD
time baca title ktk. alu cepat2 kmk nangga date laptop kmk. eh dah masok february kah :D hihi... cepat masa belalu dah nak masuk february "D
ReplyDeletekann, nang cepat jak rasa masa berlalu. rasa baruk ria jak awal tahun. :D
ReplyDeleteI love to take selfie with other friends. :D But, I don't post the photos online. When are you leaving for the trip anyway?
runningman will not stop the show?? Oh kay.
yesssss :3
Deleteim also love to take selfie with friends. but rarely upload the photos online. still searching for partners. my plan is between june to august. :D
yeah, the show will keep going. yay!
got no angpau. sad... :( lols. why don u try using Tapas Application. Its features manga reading online, but not from that typical manga side, most of it was online author. I just found some good manga there. :D
ReplyDeletei got no angpao tooo T^T
Deletewahhh thanks for recommendation, definitely will check them out :D
ei purse saya ke tu ...... kenapa lebih kurang je isi dia :')
ReplyDeletekalau macam tu, sama je la isi purse kita. hahahaha :D
DeleteNo angpao for me. Sobsob
ReplyDeleteAndd January has been good to me. Alhamdulillah. :)
me too :D
Deletealhamdulillah, hope this february gonna be good too :)
BV dapat sebiji je limau mandarin tahun nie. tu pun kat stesen minyak masa nak isi minyak. hahhahahah
ReplyDeleteHey BV. Have a wonderful month ahead. Izz ada post something. Im not sure dah sampai ke belum. I lost the tracking number. And nak mintak maaf sebab salah tulis nama. Instead of Intan Ainin, izz tulis Intan Adnin. Really2 sorry. Confused at that time.
ReplyDeleteAddress still the same the last time we dm on twitter right ?
hye izz. wahhh seriously? hantar apa tu? hehehe belum dapat lagi rasanya. takpe, sama je kiranya. thanksssss ya susah2 je T^T
Deleteim moved, tapi still dapat guna lagi alamat tu sebab ada saudara kt situ dan dekat je sebenarnya :)
Got no angpao too because we don't celebrate CNY here. I mean, we don't have chinese family here T.T
ReplyDeleteI used to read manga too, selalu beli manga banyak collection but when I went to college tak baca dah huhu.
the mee goreng mamak tho, im craving. sedappppppppp
im not celebrating cny too because of lack of social skills. LOL :D
Deletewahhh dah ada collection, takpe dah level up baca novel kan. hehehe
yeahhh, so sedap :)
sikda dapat angpau tapi limau mandarin ya bayak lah hahaha. huwaa kmk nang happy gila bila baca yg runningman ya sikjadi cancel,first2 tek mcm sik cayak jak tapi lpas ngga byk artikel pasal ya alu happy kmk hahaha
ReplyDeletekmk sikda angpau juak, tapi limau mandarin ya dapat cgek jak. hahahhaha. :D bena ya, kmk pun happy, nangga orang share rh fb pasal ya, lalu ada artikel dari koreaboo, nang bena la mun camya nak. yeahhh~
Deleteni yg kadang2 geram dtg blog BV ni, ada je gambar makanan ><
ReplyDeletedah download goblin sampai habis, tpi belum tengok lagi. sebaliknya pegi layan kim bok joo dulu, haha
wuhuhuhuh sorryyyy :D kalau lapar makan ye.
Deletetengok ler, best je. hahahhaa kim bok joo tu pun dalam watchlist. tapi belum tengok lagi :D
hee~ goblin merata rata dik.. sampai ke sini ha akak jumpa peminat goblin ye.. dalam group whatsapp pon cerita yang sama semedang..
ReplyDeletememang merata orang cerita pasal goblin nie. hahahhaha :D
DeleteFor me Januari okaylah, I got angpau from my boss. hahaha.. Hopefully, Februari better than Januari lol. Goblin tak best! ahahah..
ReplyDeletebestnya dapat angpau. BV takdapat angpau pun. hahahhahaha :D
Deletefirst time nie ada orang kata goblin tak best :3
nothing interesting happened on me hahahaha, anyway I had finished watching the goblin and macam biasa ambil masa nak move on hahahaha :D
ReplyDeleteNew Update: Random ft SPM result countdown.
kannn. memang susah nak move on kalau tengok goblin nie. :D
DeleteFor me, January is my trial month. Nothing productive have been conducted on January. hihi. wasted. :D
ReplyDeletehahha trial month, i guess mine too. wasted. T^T
DeleteNothing interesting happened to me on January. It's merely just another year for me to survive. I'm trying to make February a productive month for me hehe. btw, followed your blog :') , do visit my blog if you've a free time to do so yeah?
ReplyDeleteyup, just another year to survive :D
Deletehopefully february will be a month for productivity :)
thanks! done visiting ur blog too. and followed!