hello fellow virtual friends of mine.
this gonna be a photos-blogpost with some captions.
(sorry for some mouth-watering pictures for those who hungry or starving)

organised by my mom and uncle, sponsored by my uncle. prepared by my mom and fellow grandmoms, and eat by me and fellow hungry-for-foods people.

look at that mouth watering grilled chicken! (i'm still drooling) droololololing XD

by hot and roll?
a rolled pizza? tastyyyy and small.

a horror comic and light novels. a really nice catch at popular. the fact that i rather to spend more money on books than foods make me grateful and proud of myself. hahahhahaaa

a cute sticky notes for my journal. cuteness overloaddddd. i'm gonna paste this everywhere. XD

a meccchaaaaa kawaiiii (ssssuper cuteeeeee) bookmarks!
seriously, this thing so cute. (but my sister said that it's look a lil bit eerie) T^T
📃get a job.
📃a healthy skin. need to take care of my skin (my skin is not in good condition because of my sleeping and eating habits are totally bad) but, thanks to some skincare that i purchased, it's getting better.
📃 learn some new languages.
📃 travels
📃 save moneyssss
📃 always be grateful and positive.
*got a tons of wishlist, but lets just make it short and simple. hahahahhaha
blog-related wishlist
📃 new blog theme (any idea?)
📃 visit more blogs/make more bloggers friends
📃 more useful posts
📃 - - -- - --
will add some later. hahahaha
so, your wishlist??
see ya when i see ya lah.
I wanted to pause reading as you had warned that it would be mouth watering but then, the grilled food are right at the bottom of it so, too late... Q_Q
ReplyDeleteThose sticy are too cute!!! Where did you got them?And oh well, I missed those times where comic was my priority.. 😢
sorry. hahahah :D
Deletethose sticky notes are from mr diy. :D
comic is always one of the best way to relax :3
roll pizza looks so hell delicious there!!! Jilat skrin xD
ReplyDeleteyes, it's delicious! tapi rasa takpuas makan sebab kecik. hahahhaha XD
Deletegoodluck BV ! semoga wishlist BV tercapai :D
ReplyDeleteinshaALLAH :D thanksssss btw. u too :)
Deleteazam sama sahaja....semoga hidup semakin bertambah baik dan bermakna. insya-Allah. =)
ReplyDeleteinshaALLAH amin2. :)
Deletesalam hi. nk ajak awk join GA sy.. jom :D
walaikumussalam, hi. macam menarik. thanks ya :)
DeleteThose bookmarks are so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I want it toooo :(
ReplyDeleteyeahhh, it is! go get it from stationery store :D
DeleteLet's strive to do well this year to achieve all the wishes k! InsyaAllah, we can do it! 💪
ReplyDeleteRasa mcm torture gila, harini bw asyik tgk org post makanannnn sesedap aje. Oh my goodness. Haha sis tabah.
yeahhh, inshaALLAH! you too :)
Deletehahahhaha sorrryyyy. harap tabah ye :3
perghhh roll pizza ya nang mengoda gilak hahaha smoga wishlist ktk tercapai kak,kmk tahun tok pun rasa mok carik kerja jak hihi
ReplyDeletenanggg. rasa nak makan gik jak. hahahaha. inshaALLAH, ktk juak k. juh carik kerja. hehehe :3
Deleterasanya semua orang punya resolution mesti ada saving money tapi nak buat tu alahai susah T.T
kannn. memang susah, apalagi bila tengok banyak sale. aduhai T^T
DeletemashaAllah fooddddssssss T____T nasib baik baru lepas makan tau, haha
ReplyDeleteomg those sticky notes and bookmarks are so cuteeee. saya kalau benda2 comel camni selalu beli kat MR DIY dgn daiso. harga murah, barang comel hehe
hahaha nasib baik. :D
Deletekannn, memang cute sangat. suka benda comel2 macam nie. sini takda daiso, so memang selalu pergi mr diy, memang murah barang dia. hahahah :3
hi, BV! Happy New Year :)
ReplyDeletecantik gila bookmark tuh! :D
Semoga segala yang BV nak tercapai akan dapat dicapai BV tahun ni :)
happy new year too fatina :D
DeleteinshaALLAH, you too. :)
BV nak belajar bahasa apa lagi? :) Saving money is my goal too tapi tu lah payah eh nak buat. Azam lebih kekadang. Hii.
ReplyDeleteWishlist siqah dah ada buat post dah - my 2017 resolutions :)
Blogging wishlist pun ada jugak.. nanti siqah post entri. Hihi <3
mungkin bahasa jepun. hahahaha :D kannn, memang banyak yg nak simpan duit. tapi memang susah la. betul tu. hahahaa
Deletewahhh, nanti BV terjah yg blogging wishlist pulak :)
BV tak teringin pakai responsive template? they're the hottest ticket now haha. anyway, harap harap BV dapat kerja and dapat save money yg memang susah sangat nak buat haha xx
ReplyDeleteteringin jugak. tengah usha minimalist template. serius rambang mata T^T
DeleteinshaALLAH, thanks tau. hahaha :3
goodluck dalam misi selesaikan semua hajat utk tahun ini. Moga ada rezeki ,tak kisah la dalam konteks apa rezeki pun,utk BV,insyaaAllah. Tapi kena usaha dulu ya.. hehehe.. :D
ReplyDeletesticky notes...! so kawaaii... rasa nak rompak dalam skrin ni..
inshaALLAH, amin2. thanks tau. memang kena usaha semua nie. hehehe :D
Deletememang kawaii yg amat, rompak la rompaakkk. hahahhaha XD
alahai BV, sy nampak makanan. ketaq lutut sbb lapar dah ni haha.
ReplyDeletebyw, good luck on your new year wishlist
FYI, my blog has changed url. Please re-follow me at
Thank you!
hahahha, kenapa sampai ketaq lutut tu? diet eh? hehehe
Deletethanks ya :D
wahhh dah ada domain sendiri, congrats! will visit soon :)
Omg roll pizza tu nampak sedapnya T^T
ReplyDeletetak nampak yang lain dh nampak makanan ja. hahaha. :p. btw BV menang contest traveloka! tahniahhhhh <3
ReplyDeleteBookmark tu paling comel 😬
ReplyDeleteyepp, nmpk food best ever..
ReplyDeletesemoga wishlist tercapai for this year..
maigod droolingggggg
ReplyDeletesemoga dapat kerja tahun ni...semoga berjaya setelkan list2 tu..
ReplyDeletegood luck