few days before new year 2017. in december, i had quite a calm month. because it is school holiday, and i'm not going anywhere. hahahahaha. just going somewhere if it is an important things to do.

as a fan of korean variety show, i'm quite sad with the news of Runningman. it will officially end on February 2017. seriously, i'm so sad. runningman been my stress reliever for a long time since i was a student T^T. it is gonna end! i'm still can't believe this really happening. to be honest, runningman is my first korean variety show ever. because of the show, i tend to hook and amazed with korean culture. runningman never end in my heart, (will keep re-watch some of the episodes to reminisce the great runningman era)
as usual, nothing interesting happen. my mom's side relatives from brunei have a trip to sibu (my hometown). they rent a whole big bus express to explore sibu. hahahahaha. such a great idea to make a family trip go smooth. so many of them come and i'm too shy to show up and been hiding in my room the whole time. hahahhaha such a disgrace. please don't be like me.
and i got a job interview. but decided not to go since i got some problem with the place. hmm.
i spent my money again. hahahahha. bought some stuff like mask, wet tissues, tripod, and sunglasses and more. hahahahah. everyone knew that in december, such a bloody year end sale everywhere. T^T need to restrain myself from buying unnecessary things AGAIN.
kdrama - currently watching Goblin. why? because i love wookie (lee dong wook) so much and gong yoo too. me oso loike the story line. yes, i'm into fantasy-action kdrama. hahahaha. because korean drama with fantasy genre always interesting and exciting to me. not to forget, the comedy and cinematography. when i watched the first episode, it make me feel like i'm watching a movie instead of a drama, feeling so amazed and i can't resist to watch another episode. it is ongoing kdrama, i been waiting patiently for next episode every week. hahahaha. how persistent.
movies - seondal : the man who sells river. (korean) watch it. because of xiumin exo. hahahhahahaha
anime - mushishi, mushishi zoku shou 1, mushishi zoku shou 2.
i really love this kind of anime, relaxing and slow pace but interesting. in supernatural genre. i watched this anime because some of the comments in kissanime website. and at the first glance, Ginko (the main character) looks like Decim in death parade anime. teeheeee~
songs - been repeating same songs for weeks now. anime movie KIMI NO NA WA (Your Name) ost. (kimi no na wa is a great anime by Makoto Shinkai, but some of the scene does need further explaination though, i don't understand why this anime being overrated in Japan and in otaku's world, can't deny the cinematography is fascinating though!)
nandemonaiya by RADWIMPS
yumetouro by RADWIMPS
sparkle by RADWIMPS.
and some vocaloid's songs.
will do some recap entry for 2016.
hoping to start a good January.
a new year. a new life.
so, how your december? good or bad?
see ya!
i am sad too, running man going to end. but in the future, maybe sbs will produce new variety show, lets wait and see.
ReplyDeleteand yes. the year end sale. i am trying so hard to not buy anything this month. haha.
i am so obsessed with Goblin. Wookie!!! he is so damn cute and innocent
i hope so. T^T
Deleteme too, year end sale everywhere T^T
wookie is always gorgeous! love him!!!! XD
december? nothing much . cuma macam "yeay" dah habis SPM tuje
ReplyDeletewahhh be grateful, it's finally end. hahahhaa :D
Deleteikr,sedih gila pasal runningman ya,lepastok dh sikpat agik tngga kwang soo T_T movie seondal ya best kah kak? kmk slalu tngga org review tapi belum ngga agik hihi klak lah try download. happy new year kak! (although masih awal agik -.-) and stay positive!
ReplyDeletekannn. dapat tangga kwangsoo dalam drama or movie jak kaktok. T^T best juak sebab ada part lawak2 n sedih2 sikit :D happy new year too :) you too :3
Deleteit is okayyyy, after this, BV can try 2 days 1 night :D
yeah, after this i can get my focus to 2 days 1 night. :D
DeleteIt's heartbreaking to think that Runningman would be over.. Q^Q
ReplyDeleteOh well, my december is a dull one as I'm on the sem break and I'm only staying at home.. :/
yeahhh. still can't believe tho T^T
Deletesame. but i've light it up with some kdrama and movies. thanks to internet. hahahhaha :D
I feel sad too, Running man is going to end in February 2017 :(
ReplyDeleteIt is, too many year end sale and I couldn't resist it hehe :D
me too. hope it will end with good ending T^T
Deleteyes, need to look away from all that year end sale. #saveyourmoney :D
too much shady stuff going on, that's why they decided to end the filming 😢
ReplyDeleteyeah i've read some news about runningman. some really shady and i still can't believe they decided to end the show tho T^T
DeleteSo sad that Running Man is ending, it's one of my stress relievers too huhu T_T Been planning to watch Goblin but I need to finish Weightlifting Fairy first because I can't handle waiting for the next episode every week hehe.
ReplyDeleteme tooooo T^T
Deleteweightlifting fairy also in my watch list for kdrama. will watch it soon. i totally know the suffering of waiting for next episode every week. hopefully it worth. :D
sekejap jak di mukah :D
ReplyDeletehahahahaha nina pun ada post macam ni jugak sebenarnya, cuma tak sempat nak publish je lagi.
ReplyDeletesedih kan running man dah takde huaaa.
the man who sells river tu dah tengok haritu. boleh tahan la cerita dia. tapi tak kenal pun yang mana satu xiumin tu haha
hahahhaa. sama je. :D
Deletesedih kannnn T^T macam tak percaya. :)
boleh tahan kan cerita dia. xiumin exo berlakon sebagai Gyeon :D sedih jugak la. XD
try lah tengok 2days 1night (korean variety show). Really funny (y)
ReplyDeletejarang tengok 2days 1night nie. boleh la layan selalu lepas nie :D
Deletesaw so many people hyped about Goblin :) have to watch it someday
ReplyDeleteyup, so far, it is a really interesting kdrama :D
DeleteMenarik cerita Disember kau, BV.
ReplyDeleteTak macam Disember aku, boring. Hahahahah
menarik sebab 'dibuat' menarik.
Deletesebenarnya sendu je. hahahhaha