REVIEW + GIVEAWAY | Japan Candy Box

Friday, 16 September 2016

who doesnt love the cute kawaii candies and snack? i am the one who loves to eat sweets things and snack. and i absolutely love kawaii things and everything related to Japan. because of a lot interest with japan, i got myself a box of JAPAN CANDY BOX!

Japan Candy Box is a website that offer a subscription of a box full of candies and snack made in japan. Every month, they will picked 8-10 mixtures of japanese snacks and sweets! the price starting from $18.20 per month. you can subscribe anytime and cancel anytime depend on your choice. 

once my Japan Candy Box reach my home, im so happy and dance in front of the gate. what the?? hahahaha. the box so kawaii even when it reached my home, it is already cracked a little bit. but, all things inside are safe and secure. again, everything is so cute :3

unboxing begin. thanks for the special note! they even put a list of snack and candies that you got in the box. to be honest, i feel such a waste if i tear off any packaging of the candies and snack. they are so kawaii and i cant resist. even my siblings ask me when im gonna eat these when i excited to take a picture for review. sharing is a good things though. 

 August 2016 subscription box

Snack and Candies i got in the Japan Candy Box
1. Tohato Anpanman Corn Rings
2. Bourbon Animal Biscuits
3. Lion Puyo Puyo Gummy
4. Kasugai Poke Gummies
5. Eisei Fairy Tale Egg Boro Biscuits
6. Fujiya Anpanman Minimini Ramune Candy
7. Morinaga Ramune Blue Hawaii Candy
8. Glico Friend Disney Ramune Candy
9. Meito Puku Puku Tai Fish Strawberry Wafer
10. Heart Cute Face DIY Gummy Kit

i love everything in the box. it is very fun to try new things and japanese snack and candies that i cannot find in typical store in my country. so, i recommend Japan Candy Box for those who loves japanese snack and candies. :) the best things is, you dont need to travel to japan just to get japanese snack and candies. with the subscription box of Japan Candy Box, you just need to wait and BAMMM, it reach your door step. :3

thanks a lot for friendly staff  <3

come join the giveaway and follow all instruction in the rafflecopter gadget. just fill what are needed and make sure to follow the step. then, if chosen, you can get your own japan candy box. sounds great right! so dont miss the chance to join before the closing date!. will you be the lucky one?! 

(new winner been picked, since previous winner cant be contacted)
do contact me via email with your details
name :
address :
phone number :

ja matta ne~


  1. OMGGGG!!!! I'ne been waiting for so long to get my hands on japanese candies and snacks!!! OMGGGG!!!!!

  2. wahh cutenyaaaaaa candy candy dia! kalau fatin pun sayang nak makan hehe :D

  3. EEEE COMELnyeeeeee . nak makan pon sayang tauu

  4. Banyaknyaaaaaaaa dah la cecomel aduh payah nak makan ni haha

  5. Comel sangat. Nak makan pun sayang kalau macam ni. Hehee

  6. memang tak makan lah cerita dia kalau comel2 gini...hehehehhehe

  7. comelnyaaa! tak pernah rasa lagi snek2 jepun ni :D

  8. I join this giveaway. Done follow all instruction in the rafflecopter gadget.

  9. done ikut semua! joined! :D

  10. omg cute gila packaging. will join the giveaway soon,harap2 sempat jak kelak.

  11. OMG comelnya!!! Nice packaging... sayang taw nak makan.Kalau Ika, Ika simpan haha

  12. who's the winner? O.o?


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