20 July 2016 adalah hari jadi pertama Althea! Althea dah berumur 1 tahun. yey! siapa Althea nie? apa dia buat sampai aku nak wish bagai? hahahaha. Althea Korea adalah sebuah website untuk shopping KOREA BEAUTY PRODUCT. original fly from korea gais! siapa tak excited kalau dapat package dari korea. aku ofcourse excited macam dapat hadiah dari oppa dari korea. LOL.
first aku nak cerita kelebihan Althea nie.
1. Free Shipping from Korea to Malaysia kalau beli rm150 keatas! (free gais. so jimat la duit shipping disitu)
2. 100% Authentic, dijamin original dan gerenti original la.
3. Best Price. bagi aku di Althea, lebih murah barangan korea dia dari di website lain. seriously. aku dah compare.
4. Unconditional return. kalau kau takpuas hati dengan product yang diterima, boleh je hantar balik dalam masa 30 hari.
lets proceed!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALTHEA, saeng il chuk ha ham ni da!
saranghaeyooooooo ALTHEA!
Althea website available for Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand!

BV's selfie with Diy Party Kit! yey! hahahahha. muka macam serius. tapi seriously happy la. :3

my first ever korean beauty product! seriously the best package ever! the best quality. Althea ada macam2 jenama beauty product. make up, skincare, haircare and macam2 yang berkaitan dengan penjagaan kecantikan la.

look what inside? memang berbaloi shopping di Althea nie. next entry aku cerita apa yang aku beli di Althea Korea! Thanks a lot Althea for good services.

sekarang althea ada buat promotion dan competition for theirs 1st Birthday,
Althea's Birthday Celebration 20th - 31st July, 2016
Limited Edition Birthday Box + DIY Party Kit
For orders placed on 20/7 onwards. While stocks last.
Free Goodies for first 1,500 shoppers
Full size beauty products. While stocks last.
Birthday Giveaway. Pick 3 Top Sellers for 100% REBATE!
Rebate will be credited into your account.
#AltheaTurns1 Instagram Contest
- Got your Althea party kit? Wish us a happy birthday with #altheaturns1 and stand a chance to win amazing prizes such as Macbook Air, Ipad Air 2, iPhone 6S, Galaxy S6 Edge, Canon EOS M10 Selfie Camera, Althea credits and beauty hampers from Althea!
- Prizes total worth KRW10,000,000 to be won.
- Contest starts from 20th July - 15th August, 2016.
*Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to and Althea Facebook for more information.
please la join. mana tau dapat rezeki. dahla kalau shopping antara 20th-31st July 2016 dapat DIY Party Kit, pastu kalau jadi 1500 pembeli pertama, dapat lak full size beauty product. apa lagi, pergi la shopping sekarang kat seriously berbaloi. dah beli, join la instagram contest, manatau dapat macbook air, iphone bagai, kamera canon lagi. wowwww, kalau aku dapat memang perghh la. hhahahahha. so kumpul2 la duit nak shopping sekarang, kumpul sekali ngan adik2 ke kakak2 ke mak2 ke? boleh jimat shipping cost. hehehheeh.

#AltheaTurns1, happy birthday Althea!
ilal liqa'
Syira pun dapat...comel kan..sebab PINK ! muahahaa..
kann. suka sangat sebab warna PINK :D hehehhee
Deletecomel je :3
hadiah die lumayan
ReplyDeletememang lumayan hadiah dia. boleh menyesal kalau tak join :D
DeleteWooowww bestnyaaa ... btw. Happy bufday althea :D
ReplyDeletememang best la :D
Deletejom la shopping kat Althea :3
Rasa tempted gilaaa nak shopping kat althea ni. dah usha banyak kali uih. should i? muehehe.
ReplyDeletesilalah beli. hahahhaa sebab berbaloi murah. lagi2 sekarang macam2 discount dan tawaran sempena birthday Althea. better grab sekarang XD
DeleteMacam menarik gak selection products yg BV pilih. Mira mcm blur x tau nak beli ape so grab mende2 yg all time fave. haha
ReplyDeleteJemput check out post Mira, ye~
Pretty Little Things
nie pun lepas beberapa jam mengadap website Althea. hahahahhaa :D
DeleteBaru be shopping dekat Althea tadi. hehehe
ReplyDeletewahhhh :D
Deletekak farah beli apa dekat Althea? :)
perghhhhhh bestnyaaaa... alaaaa kenapa sampai 31 july?? takde bajet skang nih
ReplyDeleteHye, Mira from Althea here. Thank you so much for you effort in posting and joining in our online Birthday Party.