insecure. kurang yakin akan diri sendiri. aku rasa ramai je yang rasa insecure akan sesuatu. aku pun banyak mempunyai insecurities nie. especially bila pasal fizikal dan kelebihan. being insecure nie influence sikap kita. maybe akan jadikan kita seorang yang tidak bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. jadikan kita lebih dan sangat pemalu dan mengelakkan diri kita berjumpa dengan pelbagai jenis orang. takut orang judge kita. dan takut kita judge diri kita. if u know what i mean XD

effect of insecurity
The most common critical inner voices Dr.’s Robert and Lisa Firestone found people to experience throughout their day include: (source)
You’re stupid.
You’re unattractive.
You’re not like other people.
You’re a failure.
You never get anything right.
No one will ever love you.
You’re fat.
You’re such a loser.
You’ll never make friends.
You’ll never be able to quit drinking (smoking etc).
You’ll never accomplish anything.
What’s the point in even trying?
insecurity nie pun ada jenis insecurity in works, in relationship.

i got insecurity of being exposed to people. i tend to compare myself with peoples and list out my weakness and feel down and drown with my own feeling.

good things is i always want to improve myself day by day. being jealous and insecure is just a feeling. i never hold grudge.
so, this are how to stop being insecure :
1. change your mindset
- Distinguish between what is real and what is imaginary.
- Know that your insecurity is invisible.
- Believe that nothing is what it seems.
- Listen and accept your feelings.
2. improve your self-image
- If you do compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to you.
- List out all your good qualities.
- Take care of your body, your space, and your time.
- Define your boundaries.
- When in doubt, fake it.
3. taking action
- Start a self-esteem file.
- Surround yourself with those who make you feel good.
- Find work you love.
- Face your obstacles and wounds.
- Change what you cannot accept.
read full article at wikihow
kalau rajin korang baca la kat wikihow. aku malas nak menaip banyak. HAHA. yang di list tu cuma main point je. untuk dapat kefahaman yang lebih nyata baca la artikel full kat link yang diberikan. kalau malas macam aku, pepandai la fikir sendiri. hehehehe~
bagi aku la kan, dalam apa semua yang kita buat dan fikir, be positive je, dan spread positive vibes to all people around you. jangan sedih and marah je memanjang. hahahaha. do all things you want as long as it doesnt harm peoples and following the syariat. paling penting dekatkan diri dengan ALLAH dan agama. paling penting lagi jangan rosakkan diri sendiri dengan fikir bebukan. berubah dengan baek. jadi pemalu takpa, sebab pemalu perisai orang beriman. cewahhh~ hahahahhaa :)

stop being insecure and smile! *note to self yang rasa diri insecure gila T^T*
senyum je la. walaupun engko takut senyum lepas makan takut cili lekat kat gigi dan walaupun gigi tak rata atau kuning sekalipun.
sekian, ilal liqa'
Yup. Takut buat salah pun salah satu insecure kan?
ReplyDeleteKadang2 kita kena cakap. It's ok to make fault. Maybe? :)
betol tu. kurang yakin dengan diri sendiri :D
Deletelove this! tq!
ReplyDeleteu welcome :D
Deletedulu selalu insecure dgn org yg cantik dan pandai berfesyen ni. skrng tak dah xD insecure dekat org pandai je, huhu
ReplyDeletesama la. hahahaha. mesti yakin diri lepasnie tau :D
DeleteHehe, setiap orang mesti pernah rasa insecure ni kan? Saya pun selalu je rasa. Tapi itulah, kena buang juga jauh2 rasa macam ni. Tak elok untuk diri sendiri. HIhihi.
ReplyDeletebetol tu, memang tak elok untuk diri sendiri :)
Deletesetiap kali sblum tidur comfirm mmng comfirm lah akan fkir yg mcm2. my life T_T
ReplyDeletejangan overthinking tau. tak elok. lagi2 sebelum tido T^T
ReplyDeletehuhuhu ala benci aaa qila gemok bodo hodoh T_T
benci laa bila insecure hm paling sedih kalau kita baru je nak confident tetiba down balik ugh <3 hugs!
u got this ok persetan kan org lain DONOT compare ourself sgt huhuhuhu
confident = strong = beautiful!
hoii you are soooo comel okayyy! ape la ckp diri sendiri mcm tu. tumbuk kanggg x'D
Deleteqilaaa u beautiful enough okay. macam qila cakap, jangan compare diri sendiri dengan orang lain tau. sentiasa berusaha untuk maju kedepan dan jangan kesah orang cakap :D
Deletetak perlu insekyo! dalam diri kita semua ada keunikan sndiri. Klu nmpk byk kelebihan kat org lain tu, senyumlah, itu lah rezeki yang Allah bgi kat diorg.
ReplyDeleteP/s : kmk skrg ada di semenanjung, kelak 6 dis balik kuching smula ahehe
betol tu! memang diri sendiri banyak je keunikan. so appreciate urself. Allah maha adil kan :)
Deleteyey, balit kuching. hahahha
Terbahagi kepada dua ya. Ehem. Sekarang rasa macam insecure wit sumtingg. thanks dear share it
ReplyDeletejangan dilayan insecure tu. hhehee u welcome dear :)
Deletenice sharing kak bv!! sometimes i feel insecure too. i compared myself with someone and i always ask myself why is she so pretty? she has so many friends than mine. everyone likes her. i take a deep breath, and think. eventhough she has everything that i think i want, but she still dont have what i have. everyone has their own special & self possesed kak bv ;) dont feel insecure kak :*
ReplyDeletesama je kita ina. T^T
Deleteu right. lebih baek jangan compare diri kita dengan orang lain dan bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. :D thanks a lot! :*
susah mun insecure. but still kenak konfiden and ignore the negative saying around us!
ReplyDeletebena ya sis. patut konfiden!
DeleteWalaupun akak dah baca banyak article pasal benda ni, masih tetap akan rasa insecure in few things. Sometimes, we can't help but to feel insecure T_T
ReplyDeletekan kak. memang ada rasa macam tu. paling penting jangan overthinking. T^T
Deleteterima kasih atas perkongsiannye ye...
ReplyDeletegua selalu rasa im ugly, tp kalau ubah mindset ckp cantik, nnt perasan pulak. acaner tu? :p
ReplyDeleteeh itu la bagus! konfiden tinggi :D
Deleteak dulu asyik fikirkan ape org kata akan aku buat aku down. itu dulu. tapi la ni malas nak amik kisah dah. asal aku x kacau org sudah
ReplyDeletekan. betol tu. kekadang memang bagus buat perangai "tak kesah". :D
Deletebe yourself. because you are too precious. love yourself more than others :)
ReplyDeletebetol tu. absolutely right :D
DeleteSelalu insecure tengok orang pompuan body lawa macam model. Agagagaga
ReplyDeletekan. hahhahaha. jangan insecure sangat. hargailah diri sendiri :D
Deleteklu kiter seydieh sbb kiter ni gelap sikit warnanya ...kira x yakin gak ker?~~~ yelah sumer org yg kulit putih cantek~~~~~