im gonna share a story about myself. one of my weaknesses that make me feel low confident and low self-esteem. sometimes i feel like 'why this happen to me? just why?'. im not asking why i was born this way, (sounds like a song) just asking why i not taking care of my teeth since baby. hahaha. alhamdulillah. i still have teeth. hahaha.

i been humiliated by my schoolmates in primary school and secondary school because of my teeth. my teeth are uneven and a little bit out of where it should be. hahaha. i been called or humiliated by these some bad nicknames. grow up with these nicknames make me feel depressed and got myself a low self-esteem. i hate talking in front of peoples because of my teeth looks really ugly. T^T
i am a prefect in my secondary school. in 4th grade (tingkatan 4), i been appointed as a secretary for 'exco pengawas'. most of us knows that secretary jobs are writing and making some reports. but i didn't know that secretary also can be emcee. emcee for school assembly. it really makes me feel nervous yet uneasy when i have thought on how im gonna talk infront of hundreds students and teachers. im been known as demure student. not talking too much in class and suddenly have assigned to be emcee. hahaha.
my first experience being emcee was really make me feel like 'i never be emcee again'. hahahhaa. because my mistakes. yeah, i admit it was my mistakes. before assembly, i already read my script. and yeah, it happen smoothly throughout the times. before the assembly ends, suddenly a teacher come to me and gave me a piece of paper to make some announcement of school event. confidently i read the words on paper without much thought. suddenly students laughing, and im quite blur for what the things they laugh for. just then, i realized that i mispronunciation of the time of school event. the school event should start on '3 petang', but i said '3 pagi' which three o'clock in the morning. HAHHAHA. such a EMBARRASSING moment of MY LIFE.
actually, after the assembly ends, i cried in the toilet because embarrassed of myself. LOL. walking back to the class, here goes the naughty kids trying to humiliate me. HAHAHHAAHA. they keep saying that '3 pagi' and make some hands symbols showing three fingers. and the others keep laughing at me, feeling so humiliated. but i repay the humiliation with a bright smiles. im just ignored what they said to me and smile and laughing although my teeth looks really bad especially when i laughing out loud. hehehe. the next day of school, no more humiliation. quite suprised to know that how fast peoples stop humiliating my mistakes. hahahha. im feel grateful of course. so just smile and laugh all way u want. :3

just smile okay. be confident of yourself BudakVanilla! fighting~
NOT having a nice teeth is NOT excuses to smile bright. hehehe.

im sorry for my friends. come across to this picture recently when i keep scrolling my personal facebook. hahaha. i didnt ask theirs permission to upload theirs pictures, so look what i did there, hehehe. i love smiling because its a good deeds. :)
so, don't and never humiliate peoples weaknesses. everyone have feeling although they seems tough and strong on the outsides. :)
hey, true beauty come from hearts u know. i know. :3
i really bad in grammar. but i love writing in english. long time no write in english. gagaggaa. asal faham. hahaha.
till then,
ilal liqa'
smile bright.... hehehe...
ReplyDeletewell, for that incident '3 pagi and 3 petang itu', surely can be fix with a bright smile..
but, that's life ehh.. memorable moment ever.. wish you good luck.. :D
betul tu. :) memorable moments and embarrassing. hahha. thanks ye. :)
DeleteGood bv!! Anis pon na join.. To xtahu nak buat entry camna.. Hehe
Deletesaipa gambar kawan jadi gambar bunga tu.. hehe
ReplyDeletehahaha. sebab takmintak keizinan. takut dorang majok. hehehe. kidding :D
DeleteAku pernah nangis dalam kelas bm sebab dimalukan oleh cikgu. Benda kecik je tapi malu dia sampai sekarang aku ingat. Aku pun pernah jugak kena kutuk dgn member aku, dorang kata gigi aku mcm gigi arnab. Haha. Pape pun kita kena syukur sebab Allah dah cipta kita sempurna apa adanya. Peace yo :)
ReplyDeletesame here T^T. pun pernah kena ejek gigi arnab and so on lah. memang sampai sekarang ingat. syukur sangat sebab ada gigi lagi. :D alhamdulillah. :)
Deletemacam kenal budak baju biru jpam 2 org tu kbaiiiiiii *sembunyi bawah meja*
ReplyDeletememang kenal sangat kan. hahhaha. :D
Deletemana ada org yg perfect kan! senyum selagi mampu :)
ReplyDeletebetul tu. senyum selagi mampu. :D
DeleteWah, rasanya gigi akak tak teruk sgt. Saya dulu lagi dhsyat gigi ahaha
ReplyDeletetapi sekarang mesti dah cantek kan. hehehe :D
DeleteJadi emcee nang bergegar palak lutut, hahaha
Anda di tag dan dijemput menyertai giveaway ni...
memang bergegar lutut la depan orang ramai. hahhaa.
Deletethanks for tagging :)
sy takde gigi cantik jugak :) tapi senyum nampak gigi memang bagi keceriaan lebih haha. asalkan bersih, okay jaaa :D
ReplyDeletebetul tu. senyum nampak gigi memang best walaupun gigi takcantik sangat. hehehe. :D yg penting kebersihan. :)
Deleteakak ni gigi pun boleh tahan kapaknya. tu yg kekadang ke cari angle barulah taknampak sgt ke-kapak-an ittew hahaha
ReplyDeletenasib baik taw sehari je kena sakat. kalau seminggu? hahahaha.
you're beautiful. remember that! :)
hahaha. sama je kekapakan kite. :3
Deleteklu seminggu agaknya dah pindah sekolah kot. :D
you're beautiful too kak scha. :)
Akak pun takde gigi yang cantik juga. Rileks je la :)
ReplyDeleteChill, no one got no flaws.. :)