with this running nose. otak pun a lil bit condemn and dizzy. aku buat kerja dengan separuh nyawa. hahaha. kemain separuh jiwaku hilang terbang melayang. tapi tidak kepada mood berblogging. wakaka. masih bersemangat jari menekan keyboard berbunyi nie. :D
this time i wanna write about my internship. i still on my internship or industrial training at bla bla bla company. the places is not really match with my course which is information technology and communication in programming. in this company, i been placed at consumer sales department. which manage most off the sales and updating the system. (hint : a company that provide networks services)
why i am apply to do my internship here?
1. because my dad works near
2. because it is in my hometown
3. because it have allowance per month
BUT, the damn thing are, i am ALONE here. no ONE i know. i been LONELY. so LONELY that i keep my mouth SHUT every hour unless there are some peoples asking me to do something. basically i really a demure one. HAHAHHA. and i still AWKWARD no matter what.
that was my mistakes. i thought there was someone who i knew doing internship in the same company, but NO ONE with me. amma appa. help me. T^T
acah2 speaking je. padahal grammar berterabur takdapat dikutip2. HAHAHHAA. macam lama tak share tentang aktiviti harian aku kan. yang terbaru pun pasal planner je. so aku nak habaq la sikit bagi yang taklama lagi nak praktikal tu kan, aku praktikal umur 19 tahun, apa je la yang aku tau. wakaka. baru semester 4 kan. better kalau praktikal, atleast ada sorang kawan la. takla kau FOREVER ALONE macam AKUUUUUU~ wuuu. menangis bucu meja kat office je. blur abis la kalau kau sorang2. kalau pandai bawak diri sorang2. alhamdulillah. kalau ada kawan, ada cover sikit kan. best.
ilal liqa'
fighting! ima plak bakal ke sarawak. huuuuu
ReplyDeletethankss! gi bahagian mana kat sarawak??? :D
Deletehuhuhu. pasal apa rasa forever alone tuu. tabahkan hati banyak bnyak ye :D
ReplyDeletesebab alone la. .wahaha. tabah dah nie. . :D
Deletehalamak forever alone pulak ek bila takde kenal sesape hehe. moga baik2 aje hari2 mndtg BV esok lusa hehe
ReplyDeleteinshaallah baek2 je.. :) thanks ya. .hehehe
Deletegoodluck dear...be strong !
ReplyDeletethanks ya, . :)
ReplyDeletethanks. . :)
DeleteTakpe kejap je tu. Eh, bape lama intern?
ReplyDeletesampai bulan 4. .T^T
Deletewah best of luck in anything bv!
ReplyDeletethanks qilaaa. . :D
DeleteTakpe la BV. Sabar je la ya. Pengalaman. hehe
ReplyDeletethankss ya. .inshaallah :)
Deletemy 10 weeks of internship will be on the end of June this year! now looking for place to apply for intern. All the best! :)
ReplyDeletegudluck to u. .hopefully u get place for intern soon. :)
DeleteAdik, ajak dulu praktikal sorang2 jer. Ok jer.. takpe tak ade kawan pun, coz u will get to know new friends at new place. Even friends tu lagi best dari your click skrang ni, believe me.. coz u will enter a new phase in your life soon and u need to independent. So, masa internship ni la nak adapt dengan dunia baru yang sangat membacar.. your friend will not always be with u, one fine day, she will go away from your life.. trust me.. its my experince.
ReplyDeleteWaahh internship sem 4? Terbaik! Tak pernah lagi merasa internship. Tunggu degree lah pulak kot. Semoga tabah yee! Kalau perlu kan teman, whatsapp je aku. HAHA
ReplyDeletei love talking talking w stranger. Kdg2 stranger bagi aku kekuatan haaaa!