ogenkideska minnasan? (apa khabar semua?)
mentang2 blogger yang tag tu minat anime, aku pun terjebak ye? aku pun minat anime hokay. dan pernah berniat nak belajar bahasa jepun. hahaha. sampai begitu ya? kekeke. >..<
so jom kita belajar bahasa jepun sikeettt :D
ohaiyo - selamat pagi
konbanwa - selamat petang
oyasumi nasai - selamat malam
ogenkideska - apa khabar?
genki desu - khabar baekk.
hontouni arigatou - terima kasih sangat2.
sumimasen - sorry.
doozo - silakan.
(banyak lagi aku nak taip. tapi malas. hahahaha. mohon flying kick)
2. Answer the 11 questions asked. *done* :3
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers with smaller followers but with lots of potential. * i will*
4. Create 11 of your own questions for them to answer. notify your nominee. *soalan pelik2 boleh? hhehehehe
so let get started. ichi do san!
あ. Have you ever feel like 'you' were abandoned?
never. koz there a lot of 'things' around me.
い. What do you want? (hountouni want * nak sangat)
untuk masa nie, i really desperate nak dapat tempat latihan industri. TT_TT
う. You already seen my blog right? What do you think of me?
otaku? yang pasti KITA MINAT BLEACH. hahaha. BV pun minat bleach. hehe :3
え. How did you express your feelings?
most of the time, pray. tapi ada masa jugak luahkan kat blog je la. muahahaha. :D
か. What do you think if an otaku meet a kpoper and a directioner?
a mistake? HAHAHA.
き. Do you Love to draw? if you do, why? if you don't then why?
yeah, i love it koz i like it lah. so what? haha. kejam :3
く. Babies or children ? which one do you most prefer to take care of? Why?
children, so boleh bawak jadi gila sekali. hahaha~
け. Type of song that you like?
lullaby? and something that touch my heart. mostly lullaby untuk yang anime. XD
こ. Whats on your mind right now? (random. no thinking on this time) Honest please~
さ. If you have 'travel' all of my blog, since when I'm an Otaku? If you don't, what was your expression and thought when the first time you took a look of my blog?
OTAKU and u love bleach?
し. What type my blog when the first time you get in.(zaman purple dulu / zaman hijau skang ni). What do you think of my blog. Comment my blog ..Onegai! (please) and be Honest please~
masa zaman dulu2 your blog cute. zaman sekarang pun tetap cute. and sekarang macam lebih matang skettt. ai puji u nie tau. hehehe.
done jawab soalan. pheww~
hokay, time to create random 11 question for 11 lucky bloggers. hehe :D
so boleh je dwibahasa since BV pun tanya dalam dwibahasa. kakakaka :3
1. put one of the most craziest selfie photo that have u done HERE!
(letak satu gambar selfie paling gila yang korang ambik kat SINI!)
2. between sleeping and eating, which one you prefer to do and give me some reason.
(antara tidur dan makan, mana korang pilih untuk buat dan bagi sebab)
3. if u were been given a chance to rm1 juta, and what u do to that money?
(kalau korang ada peluang untuk dibagi rm1 juta, apa korang buat?)
4. if u know u'll die soon, what u do before u die?
(kalau korang tau korang akan mati tak lama lagi, apa korang buat sebelum korang mati?)
5. imagine if worlds are been attacked by zombie. what weapon will u choose if u are need to defense the world? and why? *bahahaha pengaruh zombie*
(bayangkan kalau dunia diserang zombie, senjata apa yang korang pilih kalau korang diperlukan untuk mempertahankan bumi? dan kenapa?)
6. state why you have blog?
(senaraikan kenapa korang ada blog?)
7. if u have doraemon's pocket, what things will u use? and why?
(kalau korang ada poket doraemon, apa benda yang korang guna? dan kenapa?)
8. state in 5 words ur type of dream girl/boy?
(senaraikan dalam 5 perkataan jenis gadis/jejaka idaman korang)
9. what place in the world u love the most?
(tempat didunia yang paling korang suka?)
10, what do you think of my blog? love it or hate it?
(apa pendapat korang tentang blog BV? suka ke tidakkkk?)
11. kalau BV nak review blog korang boleh tak? nak jujur ke? nak puji2 ke nak kutuk2? hahaha. soalan last sebab malas dah nak taip dwibahasa. hahaha.
then, 11 lucky bloggers are. (korang jawab my question, im gonna review ur blog) :)
*blog2 diatas adalah link dari cbox aku dan bloglist. hahaha~
so kalau korang dah jawab soalan, tinggalkan link untuk direbiu ya. hehehe. :3
thankkss. aku suka je bagi soalan dan menjawab nie semua. hehehe :D
ilal liqa'
selamat ber-liebster award adik...
ReplyDeletethankss kak. .hehe :D
DeleteLatihan Industri tu macam praktikal/internship ke?
ReplyDeleteyup. .yg 2 la. .tengah pening fikir pasal benda tu je, . T_T
ReplyDeleteHaha, OK soon:)
ReplyDeletegua akan buat.. malam nnt gua buat.. lu tunggu... haha
ReplyDeletethank you for tagging (:
ReplyDeletetq tag..nt fatiha buat :)
ReplyDeletedone. fuhh!!
http://faranymboboiboy.blogspot.com/2014/10/liebster-award-2.html udah jawab! thanks tag
ReplyDeletesorry lambat! ^_^
Soorrryy BV. Lambat benor buatnyaaa!. Nahhh