i am in Politeknik Mukah Sarawak :3
i am now officially a semester two's student. muahaha. alhamdulillah. feel relieve but not so relieve because all subject in this semester are killing me. and i feel sucks on my curriculum which is AR201, which is im not really interested in it. im in SQUASH. what theee heck. yes, i choose it myself since there are no more "kekosongan" in interesting and exciting club. i really wanna join photography club but it so okay.
THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. i really feel excited to start a new semester. meet new friends and lecturers. hope all the lecturers being kind and generous *muahaha*.
and what i really wanna talk about is my TIMETABLE.
it is kinda fully pack. but not really. *confusion*

here they are. all subjects is 7.
alhamdulillah. there are still have a time to R&R *rest and relax* hee
hope all assignments that will hand in before the deadline on this semester. muahaha.
Semester 2 Diploma Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (Pengaturcaraan)
AA203 Sains Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan Dalam Islam
AR201 Kokurikulum 2
BA202 Discrete Mathematics
FP201 Programming Fundamentals
FP202 Fundamentals of Operating System
FP203 Computer Organisation
FP204 Digital Media
subjek2 tu lah yang akan aku pelajari sungguh2 semester 2 di politeknik nie. nampak nama subjek je pun dah macam susah kan. heheh :D *hilang dah bahasa inggeris* semester 2, be good okay? :)
bila cahaya mentari hilang, cahaya bulan tetap menyinari kegelapan. betapa sayangnya ALLAH kepada kita, walaupun gelap di malam hari, ALLAH hiasi kegelapan itu dengan cahaya bulan dan bintang2 berkerdipan. syukurlah dalam keadaan kita sekarang. :) *berpuitis pulak aku nie kan. tak sangka pulak. hahaha*
p/s: teringin pulak belajar Bahasa Melayu lagi. :3
ilal liqa' :)
xpe, susah boleh belajar... btw, good luk in ur new semester :)
ReplyDeleteAssalammualaikum..nak tanya berapa total kos belajar